In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (hereinafter “the Law”), its regulations and applicable guidelines, we inform you of the following: Negocios Integrales CMJ S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter “the company”), indicating for the purposes of this privacy notice the address located at Avenida Rio de San Joaquín number 498, Suite 205, Colonia Ampliación Granada, Postal Code 11529, Miguel Hidalgo Mayor's Office, in this Mexico City, will be responsible, if necessary, for collecting personal data, as well as that responsibility is assumed for the use and protection given to them; this responsibility being extensive, with respect to data that is collected by any of its subsidiary and/or affiliated companies, or by third parties contracted to perform services on behalf of “the company”, in terms of this privacy notice.

The processing of your personal data will be carried out in accordance with these terms and conditions, so from this moment on it is understood that you grant your consent for such processing.

By virtue of your access to the facilities, website and/or mobile applications of “the company”, Negocios Integrales CMJ S.A. de C.V. you may provide or provide us with all or some of the following personal data: (1) identification data; (ii) full name, (iii) place, (iv) date of birth, (v) nationality, (vi) age, (vii) marital status, (viii) gender and image; (ix) contact details, (x) address, (xi) fixed cell phone and (xii) email.

In addition, your personal data may also be collected by “the company” through: (i) automatic devices, such as video cameras placed in the facilities of “the company” and (ii) all social networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), electronic messaging services (SMS, WhatsApp and Telegram) and those that may arise with the advancement of technology; preventing “the company” from collecting sensitive personal data.

Negocios Integrales CMJ S.A. de C.V. can collect personal data in different ways: the most prominent of these are when you provide it directly or when information is obtained through other sources permitted by law, complying at all times with what is indicated in this privacy notice.

Personal data will be used only for primary purposes such as identifying you, contacting you and communicating to the potential customer, as well as sending them information and/or services requested.

For the purpose of reviewing and responding to your comments and communicating our services and in such an event, the customer or whoever accesses our page gives express consent to:

  1. Record you at any virtual event of “the company”
  2. Record and give access to the Negocios Integrales CMJ S.A. de C.V. facilities to the customer and/or potential interested party
  3. Statistical control
  4. Publicity
  5. Invite entrants to enter the social networks of “the company”
  6. Ensure compliance with legal obligations
  7. Send notifications to participants related to a change of privacy notice

Personal data cannot be used, when it comes to children under 18 years of age, unless there is consent from those who are legally considered to be their legal representatives.

Personal data obtained and authorized in accordance with the above may be used and transferred to subsidiaries or subsidiaries belonging to “the company” or “the company”, either in the United Mexican States or abroad; to third parties, national or foreign, for the fulfillment of the purposes and objectives of “the company”, or when such communication of data is provided for in a Law or Treaty, or when required by the competent authority, as well as the signing of an agreement or other documents that may be linked, always under the supervision of “the company”, which will seek to have the appropriate security, administrative, technical and physical measures for the proper use of the personal data of our customers and visitors to the website and such data are applied under the strict data privacy policy. Committing ourselves not to assign or transfer your data to third parties not related to “the company”, except in the cases mentioned and provided for by applicable legislation.

The personnel of “the company” authorized to handle your data are prohibited from allowing access to unauthorized persons and using their personal data for purposes other than those established in this privacy notice. The obligation of this confidentiality with respect to the people who find their data in “the company” will persist even after the conclusion of the relationship with the “the company”.

It is your responsibility, as the owner of the personal data, to ensure that the data provided to the group are true and complete and to communicate to “the company” any changes in them so that the obligation to keep the information updated can be fulfilled.

During your visit to websites and mobile applications, “the company” can automatically collect the following information regarding your computer and/or mobile phone and your visit:

  1. The domain and server from which they access the internet
  2. The internet address of the page from which you linked directly to our websites and mobile applications, if any
  3. The date and time you accessed our websites and mobile applications and how long you stayed on them and what areas you visited
  4. Your Internet Protocol address
  5. The operating system of your computer and/or mobile phone as well as the browser software

We may employ third parties to manage these enforcement measures, however, under no circumstances is information obtained about the individual identity of any visitor.

Such third parties must observe our privacy standards and provide us with only the information in its entirety, to use the information collected only for the purposes for which the third party was hired, and then destroy the information.

Websites and mobile applications may use cookies that send information to your computer while you browse them. Cookies are unique to your computer and mobile phone and allow the internet server to collect information that will make your use of websites and mobile applications more accessible, cookies add convenience that will allow you to save time when you return to our website and mobile applications; these can only be registered by your internet server in the domain that issued the cookie, and these cannot be used to operate programs or viruses to enter your computer and/or mobile phone.

The cookies used are their own and those of third parties to obtain non-personal information from online visitors. Cookies track the type of browser, operating system and internet service provider and allow us to tabulate the total number of visitors to our websites and mobile applications. The cookies we use are security, statistical and advertising cookies, you can deactivate the cookie on your computer or mobile phone or program it to let you know when cookies are sent to you using the preference icon on your browser.

The temporary nature of the processing of your personal data in all cases will be only for a reasonable time and to comply with the obligations that arise as a result of the business relationship you have with “the company”.

It is important to inform you that as the owner of the information you have the right to access your personal data that we hold and to the details of their processing, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete, to cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice or are being used for different purposes, and to object to their processing for specific purposes, including limiting their use or disclosure.

In order to exercise the foregoing, you must submit a written request addressed to the General Management of “the company” at the following address: Avenida Río de San Joaquín number 498, Suite 205, Colonia Ampliación Granada, Postal Code 11529, Miguel Hidalgo Mayor's Office, in this Mexico City, from 10:00am to 16:00pm, on business days, noting that such request must contain the following:

  • Name of the owner and address as well as another means to communicate the response to the request. If it does not contain these data, the application will be considered not submitted.
  • Ideal and valid document to prove identity (Voting Credential, Passport, Military ID, Professional ID, etc.) in a simple copy after checking with the original.
  • In the case of legal representation with a public instrument issued by a public notary or principal with a power of attorney, with two witnesses.
  • Clear description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the rights.

The answer will be given within the first 20 business days, after being submitted and will be delivered at the choice of the applicant by the means of his choice, either electronically or by written delivery, the latter must be collected at the address of “the company” indicated in this privacy notice, where it will be indicated whether or not his request is appropriate. In the case of origin, it will be effective within two business days of receiving the response. These deadlines may be extended for one occasion only when there is justification for doing so.

In the event that you would like to revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data, so that they stop using them by “the company”, you must submit your request in accordance with the procedure and requirements described above for.

“The company” reserves the right to modify this privacy notice at any time to comply with legislative updates, in terms of case law, internal policies, updated requirements for the provision of services or any other cause determined by “the company”.

This privacy notice and its management by “the company” is governed by the current legislation of the United Mexican States, any controversy in this regard, so any controversy must be submitted to the competent judiciary in Mexico City.