Empower your business with our expertise in SAP

We are highly qualified experts in the world's leading business management systems, such as SAP.

Customized solutions for your specific needs

We are highly qualified experts in the world’s leading business management systems, such as SAP.


Post-Implementation & Go-Live Support:

The implementation of an ERP is as crucial as its acquisition. The outcome of this phase will determine whether the final result meets the client’s expectations.

During this stage, the client’s business knowledge is seamlessly integrated with the ERP knowledge held by the provider. The client articulates their needs, and the provider determines the best way to meet these requirements.

At R&R IT Consulting, we offer specialized technological consulting in SAP, focusing on implementation, error correction, and optimization of business solutions.


We help organizations maximize their SAP environment and improve their business processes through specialized advice on each of its modules.


Once the go-live is completed, R&R IT Consulting ensures the proper functioning and compliance with the requirements and regulations of the implemented solution in the country where we offer our services.

Our service includes, but is not limited to:

Correction of detected errors.
Improvements in functionalities and performance.
Compliance with new legal and tax requirements.
Customer access to new versions and updates.
Primary support for system usage.
Response to inquiries about solution usage options.


The concept of support complements that of maintenance and aims to provide the client with an in-depth use of the ERP modules contracted, as well as the implementation of additional standard modules and/or specific requirements necessary for the client’s activities.

At R&R IT Consulting, we work with clients to enhance and expand the use of the solution, complementing the standard solution with specific requirements.

The services offered by the Support Department include:

Implementation of new modules.
Consultation on new solutions.
Custom developments.

Creamos estrategias que optimizan tus resultados

Tu socio en soluciones personalizadas con una década de experiencia en IT

De inicio a fin

Desde la estrategia inicial y la identificación de necesidades, hasta un soporte continuo y personalizado, estamos comprometidos a apoyarte en cada paso del camino.

Por proyecto
Servicio gestionado

Definición de estrategia

Identificamos las necesidades de tu proyecto. Y, elaboramos una propuesta detallada, abarcando objetivos, alcance, recursos, plazos y presupuesto.

Identificación de necesidades
Propuesta de proyecto y contrato

Ejecución y gestión

Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con el cliente para implementar soluciones personalizadas. Gestionamos el proyecto bajo metodología SCRUM o Waterfall, garantizando plazos, presupuesto y calidad.

Colaboración estrecha
SCRUM o Waterfall


Realizamos una revisión final para asegurar el cumplimiento de requisitos y entregamos todos los entregables al cliente

Quality Assurance

Iteración y mejora

Tras aceptación del proyecto, evaluamos y cerramos. Brindamos soporte post-implementación, desde capacitación hasta mantenimiento y soporte técnico continuo.

Soporte post-implementación

Technology Experts. Each project is an opportunity to exceed expectations and demonstrate our commitment to quality and efficiency.

100% of our clients continue with us for over a year, reflecting trust and satisfaction with our services.

Our blog

Transform Your Business with Our IT Expert BPO Services.
How to Use Web Scraping to Analyze Prices and Optimize Purchasing Strategies.
Business Process Automation for SMEs.
The 3 Pillars of Project Management: Fundamentals for Success.
SAP R/3 and SAP HANA: Definitions and Benefits of Migration.
How to Improve SAP HANA Performance: Best Practices and Tips.
Successful SCRUM Implementation: Practical Examples and Tips.
How to Optimize Business Processes with SAP R3: Use Cases and Best Practices
The role of artificial intelligence in the future of SMEs.
Managing Users and Roles in SAP R3: Security Features and Recommendations.
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