IWO ChatBot
The project consisted of the development of a chatbot that provides customer service and connects users with appropriate services according to their needs and geographical location.
Chatbot Design and Modeling
A design process was carried out to define the appearance and functionality of the chatbot. Interactions with users were modeled to ensure a smooth experience.
Layout and Application of Design
Once the design was completed, we proceeded to layout the chatbot and apply the visually attractive and functional design.
Implementing Question and Answer Logic
Chatbot logic was developed to interpret user questions and provide relevant answers. A conversation flow was established to obtain the necessary data from the customer.
The Scrum agile methodology was adopted for project management. This involved organizing the work in short sprints and close collaboration between the development team and the customer to ensure the continuous delivery of value.
Data Storage in a Database
The data obtained from users, such as contact information and details of the required services, were stored in a database for later reference and monitoring.
Connecting with Service Managers
A functionality has been incorporated that allows the chatbot to ask the user what service they require and what country they are in. With this information, the chatbot connects the user with the corresponding manager to provide the necessary attention.